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Specially formulated for Diabetes, free from sugar is made from MorindaCitrifolia (Noni) fruit &amla, acts as an anti-oxidant, immune system builder & blood purifier thereby enhancing life span. Total Body Revitalizer to add more years to life.



  • Reduces general weakness caused due to diabetes.
  • Improves resistance against disorders caused by diabetes.
  • Improves digestion and corrects appetite.
  • Acts as an Anti-oxidant.
  • Helpful in conditions like Depression, High Blood Pressure & Arthritis.
  • Can be used along with other medication for Adjuvant Therapy.

Moni Plus-D Antioxidant

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 1 review
  • Morindacitrifolia (Noni Fruit), Gymnemasylvestre,Momordicacharantia, Phyllanthusemblica (Amla), AzadirachtaIndica, Curcuma longa,Pterocarpusmarsupium, TrigonallaFoenum, GlycyrrhizaGlabra, Trijatakarka (Distillate of Cloves, Cardomom&Cinnamom).

  • One to two table spoons (15 to 30ml) twice or thrice daily 30 min. before meal if necessary take with water.


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
Based on 1 review
1 review

  • ArunJul 13, 2023
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.